This is a grant for up to ten thousand dollars ($10,000) for closing costs only. Your lender must be a participating lending institution for this program.
- Must be a First-Time Homeowner for five (5) years preceding the commencement date of the eligible transaction (Purchase Agreement or Construction Contract).
- Must be a US Citizen or a Permanent Resident Alien.
- Must be a resident for five (5) years preceding the commencement date of the eligible transaction (Purchase Agreement or Construction Contract).
- Must submit a copy of the original executed Purchase Agreement or Construction Contract and other required documents.
- Must attend a Homeownership Education Workshop. The following is a list of approved entities
administering the workshop or you may take the online workshop:- Community First Federal Credit Union;
- Micronesia Community Development Corporation – Carlos Camacho; and
- Online Workshop: link – (Select Guam as your state /country; then select Micronesia Community Development Corporation).
- Lender must be a participating lending institution for the First-Time Homeowners Assistance Program.
- All unmarried individuals must complete a separate application packet.
- A copy of the original executed Purchase Agreement or Construction Contract;
- Purchase Agreement:
- Evidence of ownership by the Seller [Certificate of Title, Deed (Deed of Gift, Warranty Deed, etc.), Title Insurance Policy, etc.]
- Construction Contract:
- Provide one (1) of the following: Certificate of Title, Deed (Deed of Gift, Warranty Deed, etc.), Lease Agreement with Chamorro Land Trust or Title Insurance Policy
- Construction Plans and specification certified by a license engineer or architect
- Construction Contract with construction cost
- Purchase Agreement:
- First-Time Homeowners Application;
- Affidavit (please indicate citizenship). If married, spouse must complete and sign the Affidavit;
- Verification of Residency;
- Department of Revenue and Taxation Clearance (Income Tax Division and Real Property Tax
Division); - Certificate of Homeownership Education Workshop;
- Bank documents:
- Commitment Letter;
- Down payment and Closing Cost Breakdown (Loan Estimate, Truth-In-Lending Disclosure Statement);
- Letter of Participation from Lender (bank), if not a participant; and
- Letter and/or document if applicant(s) is receiving any assistance for closing costs, i.e.,
gift letter.
- Copy of Passport or Permanent Resident Alien ID for applicant(s).
NOTE: If purchasing property, a Purchase Agreement must be submitted together with the Construction
Contract. The Purchase Agreement and/or Construction Contract must include the closing costs.
The total cost of the purchase or construction of the home cannot exceed $420,000.00
The FTHAP application will not be processed until all required documents are submitted to GHC.

GHC Loan Application
FTHAP Checklist (Updated 10/25/2022)
Department of Rev & Tax Clearance – 2019
FTHAP Affidavit(Update 04/28/2023)